CREATOR: Throw in with the Devil get thrown in with the Devil   Angels Gathered Here

June 30, 2003 General Assembly reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University which Board of Governors' Committee on Budget  and Finance recommended on July 28, 2003.

Session Law 2003-2984

NCA&T and UNCG University Chancellors Renick and Sullivan August 3, 2003 signed off on   Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofit The Greensboro Center for Innovative Development as natural persons that  were filed with the Secretary of State Oct. 30, 2003 establishing the Corporation.   Documents received from State office of Budget and Finance indicated  the GCID wasn't a state entity which should raise the question of ownership of university administrative officials established nonprofits.
Documents received pursuant public records request from UNCG for Request to Establish Joint Millennial Campus,  university resolutions allege NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees Resolutions dated , Aug. 22 2003 and Aug. 28, 2003 call for designation of  Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf transferred  to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus and  nonprofit  corporation be the entity be designated to accept  School for the Deaf without a   syllable pertaining to a parcel or portion  of NC A&T farmland.    NC GS: 116-198.34. (8b) says Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus,  statutory foreclosing NC A&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus in terms of  “designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf)  reallocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NC A&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus.” depicted  in  Appendix_ G_-_Joint_Millennial_Campus and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus document.   "The second half of the project will take  place on 75 acres along East Lee Street. A&T has

Alleged NC A&T University Board of Trustees  Resolution dated August 22, 2003 vote may have taken place at an  informal gathering at Stoney Creek Golf Club rather than a BOT Meeting.   NC A&T  2002-03 State Audit Report list Velma Speight Buford as Vice Chair instead of Secretary as signed on the resolution.  Records received from NC A&T recording secretary indicate non sworn new board members participated in alleged resolution vote. 

NC A&T 2003 First Regular Board of Trustees Meeting took place Sept. 24, 2003 where new board members were sworn in and officers elected.  At the first meeting after June 30 of each year, the Board of Trustees shall elect from its membership a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary. (See G.S. 116-32)

offered up a  portion of its 600-acre farm for the research park." A&T, UNCG UNVEIL PLANS FOR JOINT CAMPUSES, JOHN NEWSOM, Greensboro News & Record (NC) - Wednesday, September 24, 2003.     "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office

NC A&T Board of Trustees Meeting April 16, 2003

 Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.  Whether NC A&T Board of Trustees' alleged August 22nd, 2003 Resolution requesting establishing a joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central School  of the Deaf property is valid,  unmistakable having been informed by Chancellor Renick that members of the Board of Trustees  plan to meet informally with UNCG about the possibility of establishing a joint millennial campus on the farm property, NC A&T BOT August 22nd resolution explicably rejected farm property as part of a joint millennial campus.
Phillips BOG Committee on Budget and Finance, minutes 10.10.03, alleged President had completed required consultations and recommended the Board the request.  NC A&T Board of Trustees First Regular Board of Trustees (BOT)  Meeting was Sept. 24, 2003 and  2nd Regular BOT Meeting Nov.  19th, 2003 neither of which spoke of a joint Millennial Campus being designated or consultation with UNC President Molly Broad.

Phillips B&F Oct. 2003, committee alleged made  statutory required  expressed determination the universities had the administrative capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus.

Five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommended adding to the Supplemental Expansion Budget Requests 2004-05, $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property, and pay for telephone and high speed networking.
Oct 2004, a year after alleged JMC Oct. 2003 designation.  Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance recommended $14,000,000 of spending
for Joint Millennial Campus and A&T State University to spend up to $647,500 and UNC Greensboro to spend up to $400,000 to plan projects on the Joint Millennial Campus, all dispositive to statutory expressed determination universities had fiscal capacity to establish and maintain joint Millennial Campus as determined by the Phillips Board

Phillips'  Committee on Budget and Finance Oct. 10, 2003

Phillips' Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommendation.

Phillips' Committee on Budget and Finance 10.04 recommendations

Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance allegedly Oct. 10.2003.
Phillips committee proposed $14 million dollars of spending
backdrop was $11 Million dollars of 2004-05 Budget reductions.  
Resolution pertaining to annexing 75-acres of NC A&T farmland into the Greensboro City was before the NC A&T Board of Trustees Sept. 21, 2005 at the first regular NC A&T board of Trustees Meeting. Every two years in odd years University Board of Trustees members are renewed or replaced. Chairwoman Speight-Buford turned the floor over to Chancellor Renick who asked Mrs. Kluttz-Leach, Legal Counsel to provide details about each item. Resolution was titled Recommendation to annex The 75 acres of North Carolina A&T State University Farm Designated for the Joint Millennial Campus into the City Limits of Greensboro which said:
  • Whereas in support of the joint millennial campus, North Carolina A&T State University designated 75 acres of its farm, located in Guildford County, to be used as part of the Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Whereas, the annexation of the designated 75 acres of the farm will .... for the joint millennial campus.

Alleged NC A&T designated 75 acres of it farm to be used as part of the Joint Millennial Campus constitute a fraudulent statement.  Pursuant Public Record request "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved." determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office. Chair Velma Buford signed on an August 22nd, 2003 alleged NC A&T requested to establish a joint Millennial Campus in terms of the former school of the Deaf property reallocated to UNC BOG to establish Millennium Campuses for UNCG and NCA&T.  An addition record request to NC A&T for records supporting allegation have produced no additional documents.

Unambiguous Resolution language didn't state specifics pertaining the 75 acres  under consideration for annexation - condition of its approval.


Lease  Smoking Gun NCGS:116-198.34 (8) JMC wasn't designated

Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T   Background information stated:
  •  Action Item Timeline from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005 didn't indicated a Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10. 2003
  • "It was determined by counsel for the universities and GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC",
  • Identified JMC depicted as former School of the Deaf property and 75 acre adjacent to NC A&T Farmland
  • Identified JMC was approximate UNC BOG alleged Oct. 10.  2003 designated JMC
UNC Constituent Universities may dispose of property by lease upon request to UNC BOG. Disposition of Property by Ground Lease (  NC A&T and UNCG Boards of Trustees (BOT)  Duties and Powers (Property and Buildings)   require "any  proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by  the  institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees"  see The University of
 UNC Constituent universities Boards of Trustees Duties and Powers (Property and Buildings) allow dispose of property by lease, requiring Board of Governors approval above bench mark figure. $50,000.
North Carolina at Asheville, Disposition of Property by Ground Lease – UNC at Chapel Hill



UNCG Board of Trustees Business Affairs Committee Feb. 2, 2006

UNCG Trustees Business Affairs Committee minutes allege  Philip Richman, vice chancellor for UNCG business affairs, advised the Board that the School of the Deaf property became available in 2002. NC A&T and UNCG
  asked that the property be transferred to the campuses with formed the Joint Millennium Campus without a word pertaining to NC A&T Farmland.  UNCG Chairman Tom Ross, now UNC President, moved to approved recommendation calling for  leasing  Identified JMC to the full board  of Trustees.  William Pratt seconded the Motion which was unanimously approved for recommendation to the full Board.  UNCG Board Trustee Minutes allege:  the Board of Trustees of The University of North 
Carolina at Greensboro . approve the Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for  Innovative Development and UNCG and NCA&T and recommend approval to the Board of Governors


Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T was considered by UNCG Board of Trustees.
 Action item background information timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 didn't indicated a JMC of  was designed by UNC BOG.   Action Item  background information says " in order to facilitate the GCID ability to perform its role as managed/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC
" by university counsels, GCID, and General Administration.
" Purpose of this action is to  request approval from this Board to proceed with a 50-year ground lease ( and two successive 10 year renewals) with the GCID on land owned by the State of North Carolina  (Approximately 75 acres with  142,000 square feet of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and approximately 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm).... . Identified JMC was consistent with Sept. 2003 university Chancellor proposed JMC which lacked university BOT approvals.

Draft Lease titled, Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina characterized lease consistent with Chancellors proposed

Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see

Lease Draft Information

JMC of a North and South Campus: 1.1.3 Land. The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South  Campus and collectively  comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus".   When approved UNCG Board of Trustee recommended lease of two parcel of real estate denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus" to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and existing improvements.


NC A&T BOT minutes indicate the Lease was considered by NC A&T on Feb. 14, 2006 but vote was postponed
and conducted by fax Feb. 22 thru Feb.  29th which maybe legally insufficient as  vote was limited to executive committee with consultation with other members when existing NC A&T BOT bylaws say: C. Power to Vote: All  members of the Board of Trustees may vote on all matters coming before the Board for consideration, but no member may vote by proxy. No vote concerning any matter under consideration by  the Board of Trustees or by a committee of the Board
Media representatives from the News & Record (vocal proponent of JSNN), WFMY , Time Warner Cable,   all had representatives on the Greensboro Partnership Board.
of  Trustees may be cast, in absentia, or by mail.  NC A&T Board of Trustees minutes dated 04-19-2006 Chairwoman Speight-Buford reported that at the February Board meeting a resolution regarding the Greensboro Center for Innovative  Development (GCID) Ground Lease Agreement was presented for approval, etc. Chairwoman Speight-Buford shared that the Executive Committee approval the GCID Ground Lease Agreement  by unanimous decision.  Rewinding to NC A&T BOT meeting minutes dated 09/21/05, the beginning of the 2005 2006 academic year, Chairwoman Speight-Buford reporting for the Executive  Committee called for a motion   to ratify
  the actions items approved the the Executive Committee which meet via teleconference to discuss, two personnel items, one property matter, etc. which  unambiguous suggest Executive Committee approval alone is insufficient to authorize a course of action.
NC A&T Board of Trustees minutes dated 04-19-2006 Chairwoman Speight-Buford reported that at the February Board meeting a resolution regarding the Greensboro Center for Innovative  Development (GCID) Ground Lease
Agreement was presented for approval, etc. Chairwoman Speight-Buford shared that the Executive Committee approval the GCID Ground Lease Agreement  by unanimous decision. 

Draft Lease titled, Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina characterized lease consistent with Chancellors proposed JMC of a North and South Campus: 1.1.3 Land. The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus". When approved UNCG Board of Trustee recommendation leased two parcel of real estate denominated the North
Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see

Lease Draft Information

Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus".  If approved UNCG Board of Trustee would recommend  leased two parcel of real estate denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus.


Alleged Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively
comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with  publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b)  designated JMC
Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b))  designated JMC,  fraudulent diverting state appropriations and facilities, federal research, and degree programs to alleged Millennial Campus private education corporation Greensboro Center for Innovative, inc  - renamed Gateway Research Park, Inc.  

May 2006, NC A&T and UNCG University allegedly requested lease of two parcels of land – reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for establishment of Millennium campuses and 75- acres of NC A&T farmland - dominated North and South Campus respectively and collectively referred to as Joint Millennial Campus to Greensboro Center of Innovative Development, Inc. to UNC Board of Governors.    
Erskine  Bowles UNC General    Administration UNC Board of Governors, and  GCID    officials,  May 2006, fraudulently depicted   alleged NCA&T and UNCG lease request as for  land and existing improvements for Oct. 2003 NCGS:116-198.34 (8) designated JMC  to  full UNC Board of Governors where it  was   approved on the consent agenda, channeling appropriations,  Land, Facilities, degree  programs for NCGS:116-

May 11, 2006 Meeting  of the Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance

UNCG, alleged A&T Resolutions dated Aug. 28th and Aug. 22nd  Requesting Establishing JMC
 "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office  Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.
 Action Item : Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see  Feb. 2nd 2006

Phillips' Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommendation.

Draft Lease Agreement

NCGS:116- 198.34 (8)  designated Joint Millennial Campus to Education Research Corporation Gateway University Research.





Alleged Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively
comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with  publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b)  designated JMC
Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b))  designated JMC,  fraudulent diverting state appropriations and facilities, federal research, and degree programs to alleged Millennial Campus private education corporation Greensboro Center for Innovative, inc  - renamed Gateway Research Park, Inc.  

May 2006, NC A&T and UNCG University allegedly requested lease of two parcels of land – reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for establishment of Millennium campuses and 75- acres of NC A&T farmland - dominated North and South Campus respectively and collectively referred to as Joint Millennial Campus to Greensboro Center of Innovative Development, Inc. to UNC Board of Governors.    
Erskine  Bowles UNC General    Administration UNC Board of Governors, and  GCID    officials,  May 2006, fraudulently depicted   alleged NCA&T and UNCG lease request as for  land and existing improvements for Oct. 2003 NCGS:116-198.34 (8) designated JMC  to  full UNC Board of Governors where it  was   approved on the consent agenda, channeling appropriations,  Land, Facilities, degree  programs for NCGS:116-

May 11, 2006 Meeting  of the Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance

UNCG, alleged A&T Resolutions dated Aug. 28th and Aug. 22nd  Requesting Establishing JMC
 "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office  Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.
 Action Item : Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see  Feb. 2nd 2006

Phillips' Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommendation.

Draft Lease Agreement

NCGS:116- 198.34 (8)  designated Joint Millennial Campus to Education Research Corporation Gateway University Research.


Response to public record request for Universities Board of Trustees request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development replies: 

UNCG : " After a diligent search, I can report that we are not in possession of copies of any documents whereby the UNCG Board of Trustees made a request for permission to execute a ground lease, as requested in paragraph 4 of your letter (copy attached)."

BOG document (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX C ) stated:
(4) UNCG Board of Trustees request for  permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development to UNC Board of Governors. UNCG Attorney. 

"As to the request to General Administration to approve the ground lease, Ms. Fails cannot find any transmittal letter, memo, etc."  General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University (email 11.15.12)

Unambiguous NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees hadn't Requested permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. As stated in UNC BOG document Appendix C  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (May 2006) .
Notwithstanding  Millennial Campus Statue, GS § 116-198.31. (8b),  required an express determination the campuses had the fiscal ability to establish and maintain a Millennial campus and called for no pledge of taxes in support of  a Millennial campus the legislature authorized numerous taxpayer funded  projects pertaining to 


August 6, 2003 as natural persons, Universities Chancellors  Dr. Patricia Sullivan and Dr. James Renick signed off on Articles of Incorporation of Nonprofit Greensboro Center for Innovative Development which didn't included a word about a  millennial campus or  School of Deaf property.    May 1999 previously  NC A&T and UNCG had signed an "Knowledge-Based Economic Development initiative"  which "calls for creation of a center" and "agreement calls for the campuses to create a nonprofit foundation"   which was tabled when Chancellor Renick arrived at NC A&T. See N.C. A&T, UNCG SIGN JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENT FOR KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORT  .

Greensboro Center for Innovative Development  Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State establishing the corporation 10.31.2003
June 30, 2003 General Assembly reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University which Board of Governors' Committee on Budget  and Finance recommended on July 28, 2003.

Session Law 2003-2984


Documents received pursuant public records request from UNCG for Request to Establish Joint Millennial Campus,  university resolutions allege NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees Resolutions dated , Aug. 22 2003 and Aug. 28, 2003 call for designation of  Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf transferred  to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus and  nonprofit  corporation be the entity be designated to accept  School for the Deaf without a   syllable pertaining to a parcel or portion  of NC A&T farmland.    NC GS: 116-198.34. (8b) says Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus,  statutory foreclosing NC A&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus in terms of  “designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf)  reallocated to the Board of Governors by the  2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NC A&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus.” depicted  in  Appendix_ G_-_Joint_Millennial_Campus and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus document.   "The second half of the project will take  place on 75 acres along East Lee Street. A&T has

Alleged NC A&T University Board of Trustees  Resolution dated August 22, 2003 vote may have taken place at an  informal gathering at Stoney Creek Golf Club rather than a BOT Meeting.   NC A&T  2002-03 State Audit Report list Velma

Speight Buford as Vice Chair instead of Secretary as signed on the resolution.  Records received from NC A&T recording secretary indicate non sworn new board members participated in alleged resolution vote. 

NC A&T 2003 First Regular Board of Trustees Meeting took place Sept. 24, 2003 where new board members were sworn in and officers elected.  At the first meeting after June 30 of each year, the Board of Trustees shall elect from its membership a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary. (See G.S. 116-32)

offered up a  portion of its 600-acre farm for the research park." A&T, UNCG UNVEIL PLANS FOR JOINT CAMPUSES, JOHN NEWSOM, Greensboro News & Record (NC) - Wednesday, September 24, 2003.     "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office

NC A&T Board of Trustees Meeting April 16, 2003

 Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.  Whether NC A&T Board of Trustees' alleged August 22nd, 2003 Resolution requesting establishing a joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central School  of the Deaf property is valid,  unmistakable having been informed by Chancellor Renick that members of the Board of Trustees  plan to meet informally with UNCG about the possibility of establishing a joint millennial campus on the farm property, NC A&T BOT August 22nd resolution explicably rejected farm property as part of a joint millennial campus.


Resolution pertaining to annexing 75-acres of NC A&T farmland into the Greensboro City was before the NC A&T Board of Trustees Sept. 21, 2005 at the first regular NC A&T board of Trustees Meeting. Every two years in odd years University Board of Trustees members are renewed or replaced. Chairwoman Speight-Buford turned the floor over to Chancellor Renick who asked Mrs. Kluttz-Leach, Legal Counsel to provide details about each item. Resolution was titled Recommendation to annex The 75 acres of North Carolina A&T State University Farm Designated for the Joint Millennial Campus into the City Limits of Greensboro which said:
  • Whereas in support of the joint millennial campus, North Carolina A&T State University designated 75 acres of its farm, located in Guildford County, to be used as part of the Joint Millennial Campus,
  • Whereas, the annexation of the designated 75 acres of the farm will .... for the joint millennial campus.
Alleged NC A&T designated 75 acres of it farm to be used as part of the Joint Millennial Campus constitute a fraudulent statement.  Pursuant Public Record request "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved." determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office. Chair Velma Buford signed on an August 22nd, 2003 alleged NC A&T requested to establish a joint Millennial Campus in terms of the former school of the Deaf property reallocated to UNC BOG to establish Millennium Campuses for UNCG and NCA&T.  An addition record request to NC A&T for records supporting allegation have produced no additional documents.
Unambiguous Resolution language didn't state specifics pertaining the 75 acres  under consideration for annexation - condition of its approval.


Lease  Smoking Gun NCGS:116-198.34 (8) JMC wasn't designated

Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T   Background information stated:
  •  Action Item Timeline from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005 didn't indicated a Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10. 2003
  • "It was determined by counsel for the universities and GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC",
  • Identified JMC depicted as former School of the Deaf property and 75 acre adjacent to NC A&T Farmland
  • Identified JMC was approximate UNC BOG alleged Oct. 10.  2003 designated JMC


UNCG Board of Trustees Business Affairs Committee Feb. 2, 2006

UNCG Trustees Business Affairs Committee minutes allege  Philip Richman, vice chancellor for UNCG business affairs, advised the Board that the School of the Deaf property became available in 2002. NC A&T and UNCG
  asked that the property be transferred to the campuses with formed the Joint Millennium Campus without a word pertaining to NC A&T Farmland.  UNCG Chairman Tom Ross, now UNC President, moved to approved recommendation calling for  leasing  Identified JMC to the full board  of Trustees.  William Pratt seconded the Motion which was unanimously approved for recommendation to the full Board.  UNCG Board Trustee Minutes allege:  the Board of Trustees of The University of North 
Carolina at Greensboro . approve the Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for  Innovative Development and UNCG and NCA&T and recommend approval to the Board of Governors


Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T was considered by UNCG Board of Trustees.
 Action item background information timeline from Feb. 2003 through Feb2, 2006 didn't indicated a JMC of  was designed by UNC BOG.   Action Item  background information says " in order to facilitate the GCID ability to perform its role as managed/developer it was determined by counsel for the universities and the GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC
" by university counsels, GCID, and General Administration.
" Purpose of this action is to  request approval from this Board to proceed with a 50-year ground lease ( and two successive 10 year renewals) with the GCID on land owned by the State of North Carolina  (Approximately 75 acres with  142,000 square feet of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and approximately 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm).... . Identified JMC was consistent with Sept. 2003 university Chancellor proposed JMC which lacked university BOT approvals.

Draft Lease titled, Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina characterized lease consistent with Chancellors proposed

Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see

Lease Draft Information

JMC of a North and South Campus: 1.1.3 Land. The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South  Campus and collectively  comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus".   When approved UNCG Board of Trustee recommended lease of two parcel of real estate denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus" to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and existing improvements.


NC A&T BOT minutes indicate the Lease was considered by NC A&T on Feb. 14, 2006 but vote was postponed
and conducted by fax Feb. 22 thru Feb.  29th which maybe legally insufficient as  vote was limited to executive committee with consultation with other members when existing NC A&T BOT bylaws say: C. Power to Vote: All  members of the Board of Trustees may vote on all matters coming before the Board for consideration, but no member may vote by proxy. No vote concerning any matter under consideration by  the Board of Trustees or by a committee of the Board
Media representatives from the News & Record (vocal proponent of JSNN), WFMY , Time Warner Cable,   all had representatives on the Greensboro Partnership Board.
of  Trustees may be cast, in absentia, or by mail.  NC A&T Board of Trustees minutes dated 04-19-2006 Chairwoman Speight-Buford reported that at the February Board meeting a resolution regarding the Greensboro Center for Innovative  Development (GCID) Ground Lease Agreement was presented for approval, etc. Chairwoman Speight-Buford shared that the Executive Committee approval the GCID Ground Lease Agreement  by unanimous decision.  Rewinding to NC A&T BOT meeting minutes dated 09/21/05, the beginning of the 2005 2006 academic year, Chairwoman Speight-Buford reporting for the Executive  Committee called for a motion   to ratify
  the actions items approved the the Executive Committee which meet via teleconference to discuss, two personnel items, one property matter, etc. which  unambiguous suggest Executive Committee approval alone is insufficient to authorize a course of action.


 Agreement was presented for approval, etc. Chairwoman Speight-Buford shared that the Executive Committee approval the GCID Ground Lease Agreement  by unanimous decision. 

Draft Lease titled, Ground lease Agreement between The State of North Carolina (Lessor) and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (Lessee) for Joint Millennial Campus Greensboro, North Carolina characterized lease consistent with Chancellors proposed JMC of a North and South Campus: 1.1.3 Land. The two separate tracts or parcels of real estate, denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint Millennial Campus". When approved UNCG Board of Trustee recommendation leased two parcel of real estate  
Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see

Lease Draft Information

denominated the North Campus and South Campus and collectively comprising the" Joint


Alleged Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b)  designated JMC
         According to news reports and web posting, September 23, 2003  Chancellors Sullivan and Renick made a public announcement of a Joint Millennial Campus consisting of a North and South Campus. The North Campus was to consist of land and facilities that constituted the former School of the Deaf transferred to UNC-Board of Governor to establish the UNCG/NCAT Joint  Millennial Campus. The South campus was proposed to consist of 75 acres of NC A&T farmland. See: GREENSBORO CENTER FOR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT , A Joint Millennial Campus of North Carolina A&T State University (A&T) and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro  N.C. A&T to Develop Joint Millennial Campus 
Universities' lease of  two parcel of land denominated North and South Campus, collectively comprising an alleged Identified  " Joint Millennial Campus"  homonymic terminology consistent with publicized JMC obfuscated lease wasn't pursuant statutory (NC. GS. § 116-198.34.(8b))  designated JMC,  fraudulent diverting state appropriations and facilities, federal research, and degree programs to alleged Millennial Campus private education corporation Greensboro Center for Innovative, inc  - renamed Gateway Research Park, Inc.  

May 2006, NC A&T and UNCG University  allegedly requested lease of two parcels of land – reallocated former Central  School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for establishment of Millennium campuses and 75- acres of NC A&T farmland -  dominated North and South  Campus respectively and collectively referred to as Joint  Millennial Campus to Greensboro Center of  Innovative Development, Inc.  to UNC Board of Governors.      Erskine  Bowles UNC General    Administration UNC Board of Governors, and  GCID    officials,  May 2006, fraudulently depicted   alleged NCA&T and UNCG lease
 May 11, 2006 Meeting  of the Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance
Joseph Henderson, Director State Property Office, November 7. 2006 letter to James Griffin (NC A&T) and Helen Ward (UNCG) - Public Record document

NC GS 116-198.33.(5) Definitions

 request as for  land and existing improvements for Oct. 2003 NCGS:116-198.34 (8) designated JMC  to  full UNC Board of Governors where it  was   approved on the consent agenda, channeling appropriations,  Land, Facilities, degree  programs for NCGS:116- 198.34 (8)  designated JMC  to  full UNC Board of Governors where it  . was   approved on the consent agenda, channeling appropriations,  Land, Facilities, degree programs for NCGS:116- 198.34 (8) designated Joint Millennial Campus to Education Research Corporation Gateway University Research Park, Inc., serving private interest at public expense
" After a diligent search, I can report that we are not in possession of copies of any documents whereby the UNCG Board of Trustees made a request for permission to execute a ground lease, as requested in paragraph 4 of your letter (copy attached)." (4) UNCG Board of Trustees request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development to UNC Board of Governors. UNCG Attorney Steve Serch
Appendix C  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro  (May 2006)
Unambiguous NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees hadn't Requested designation of joint Millennial Campus inclusive of 75-acreas of NC A&T farmland. Nor requested permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. As stated in UNC BOG document Appendix C  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (May 2006)


Bleeding Out Taxpayers

Chapter 116 Article 21B The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millennial Campuses Financing Act requires no pledge of taxes or the faith and credit of the State or any agency or political subdivision thereof, to pay the cost, in whole or part, of buildings, structures, or other facilities for ...located at ... any Millennial Campus as defined by G.S. 116 198.33(4b) is dispositive to BOG determination campuses had fiscal capacity required less than five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation beginning March 2005 the Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance added $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property and to pay for telephone networking, to the 2005-07 Budget Request. Oct. 2004  authorize North Carolina A&T State University to spend up to $647,500 and UNC Greensboro to spend up to $400,000 to plan projects on the Joint Millennial  Campus. And  Nov.  2004 North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Joint Millennial Campus, $14,000,000,

SL 2004-124 & HB 1264 Funded these request

Chairman Phillips called COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE March 18, 2004 meeting to order as published at The 2004-05 Supplemental Budget Request stated in its November 2002 meeting, the Board of Governors approved a budget request for the 2003-05 biennium. The priorities that were not funded by the 2003 General Assembly remain under consideration for the 2004 Legislative Session. Several additional  items have come to the attention of the Board and those have been included in the proposed supplemental request. It is recommended that the Board of Governors  adopt the attached supplemental budget request for presentation to the Governor and the General Assembly for consideration during the upcoming 2004 Legislative  Session.
  • Economic Development
    North Carolina A & T State University & UNC Greensboro - Joint Request for Funding Operating Needs of the Millennium Campus 354,863 These campuses jointly request funding for ongoing university costs due to telephone and
    networking needs at the former Central NC School for the Deaf to enable the buildings to be
    used by the Universities for outreach and economic development.

    UNC Capital Improvements Request
    North Carolina A & T State University Millennium Campus Improvements 3,656,000 UNCG & NCA&TSU jointly request funds to convert three buildings on the former Central NC School for the Deaf for use as classrooms and offices for outreach and economic development.
Minutes of the October 7, 2004 Meeting of the Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance
  • North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
    Joint Millennial Campus, $14,000,000 Plans submitted jointly by these two institutions provided for North Carolina A&T State University to be responsible for overseeing the planning of a new facility on the South Millennial Campus (the North Carolina A&T State University farm) and for UNC Greensboro to  be responsible for planning the renovations on the North Millennial Campus (the former North Carolina School for the Deaf). It was recommended that the Board  authorize North Carolina A&T State University to spend up to $647,500 and UNC Greensboro to spend up to $400,000 to plan projects on the Joint Millennial

BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING The University of North Carolina November 12, 2004

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND FINANCE Mr. Phillips, chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance, presented the committee’s report. He stated  that the committee approved its annual report, and it is included in the board notebooks. Mr. Phillips stated that the recommended 2005-07 Budget Request of the  Board of Governors has been under development since the board approved the long-range plan in January. The request identifies the programs and activities needed to
carry out the strategic directions of the Board of Governors. On behalf of the committee, Mr. Phillips moved that the 2005-07 Budget Request of the Board of  Governors be approved and transmitted to the Governor and the General Assembly. The motion passed. A summary of the budget request can be found at Appendix Q.
  • Appendix Q.   2005-07 Budget Request of The Board of Governors The University of North Carolina Executive Summary November 12, 2004) I was unable to located the 14 million dollar request for the alleged Joint Millennial Campus in the Executive Summary which went to the Board.  Board of Governors request pertaining to alleged JMC were fund in SL 2004-124 & HB1264.

Funding for Board of Governors Budget Request was provided in  SL 2004-124 & HB 1264




The Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, and the Millenial Campuses Financing Act.  (Article 21B.) NC G.S. 116 198.33(8b) says in part:  That designation (millennial Campus) shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a "Millennial Campus" has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus...the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions  which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. Phillips Committee determined the  campuses had the administrative and fiscal capacity that was required and the activities to be performed on the Joint Millennial Campus"
S § 116-198.31.
The purpose of this Article is to authorize the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina to issue revenue bonds, payable from any leases, rentals, charges, fees, and other revenues but with no pledge of taxes or the faith and credit of the State or any agency or political subdivision thereof, to pay the cost, in whole or part, of buildings,

structures, or other facilities for the Centennial Campus, located at North   Carolina State University at Raleigh, for the Horace Williams Campus located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and for any Millennial Campus as defined by G.S. 116-198.33(4b).

GS § 116-198.32. Credit and taxing power of State not pledged; statement on face of  bonds. Revenue bonds issued as in this Article provided shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the State or any political subdivision there of or a pledge of the faith and credit of the State or of any such political subdivision, but shall be payable solely from the funds herein provided there for from revenues


UNCG Cornerstones Academic Affairs Annual Report AY 2007/08


UNC Nonappropriated Capital Projects. Senate Bill 1925 (First Edition)


 SESSION LAW 2008-204 [SENATE BILL 1925]





Adds Renick, "A&T is interested in economic development, and we want to be involved with anyone who shares the same interest."
Surprise! Greensboro should leverage universities The Business Journal by Justin Catanoso, The Business Journal
Date: Monday, November 12, 2001, 12:00am EST
Oct. 2003,  Phillips B&F committee allegedly made  statutory required  expressed determination the universities had the administrative capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus  notwithstanding alleged NC A&T Board of Trustees Resolution dated August 22nd, 2003 and UNCG resolution dated August 28th, 2003 call for the establishing a nonprofit to to administer and be designated to accept the former school of the Deaf property.   Phillips BOG Committee on Budget and Finance, minutes 10.10.03, alleged President had completed required consultations and recommended the Board the request.   The Joint Millennial campus was alleged designated Oct. 10, 2003. NC A&T Board of Trustees First Regular Board of Trustees (BOT)  Meeting was Sept. 24, 2003 and  2nd Regular BOT Meeting Nov.  19th, 2003 neither of which spoke of a joint Millennial Campus being designated or consultation with UNC President Molly Broad.

Phillips'  Committee on Budget and Finance Oct. 10, 2003

Budget and Finance, October 7, 2004, recommended the Board of Governors approve the 2004-05 Budget Reductions Report and that it be transmitted to the
 Office of State  Budget and Management and the Fiscal Research Division by December 31, 2004. Stating, This will affect students in years to come, as fewer course sections are offered, and campuses are forced to hire more part- time and adjunct faculty to teach the sections that remain. Students will  find it increasingly difficult to find courses that they need to graduate and to fit all required courses into their schedules. Ironically, unavoidable reductions in advising and faculty contact hours means that many students will have less assistance in monitoring their degree progress 

Phillips' Committee on Budget and Finance 10.04 Recommendations

at a time when it becomes much more difficult and critical to do so. Joint Millennial Campus  funding wasn't included in Committee On Budget and Finance Executive Summary which went to the Board of Governors, 11.2004, for approval.