CREATOR: Throw in with the Devil get thrown in with the Devil ;  Angels Gathered Here Michael & Host

UNC Board of Governors big white Lie: NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus (JMC) constitute classic tell a lie loud  and long enough,  by alleged creditable News Sources, it becomes accepted as truth. University of North Carolina Board of Governors (UNC BOG) designation of NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus (JMC) pursuant NCGS§ 116-198.34.(8b) - didn’t happen !!!
N.C. G.S. § 116-198.34.(8b) authorized UNC BOG to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a millennial campus. Legislation states the Board should act on the recommendation of the President after the President has consulted with the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees.  The designation should be based on the express finding that the institution has the administrative and fiscal capacity to create and maintain such a campus.   Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more  constituent institutions   which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Campus. Millennial Campus' as defined in the stature is real property and appurtenant facilities designated by the Board of Governors-NC GS§ 116-198.33  emphasis added
Published as "the most plugged-in attorney in North Carolina", Chairman Phillips, Jr. alleged " Boards of Trustees at North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested that the land formerly designated for the Central School for the Deaf and allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a joint millennial campus" which didn't Gee-HA with alleged NCA&T Board of Trustees' Aug. 22nd , 2003 and UNCG Aug. 28th, 2003 resolutions calling for establishing joint Millennial Campus in terms of the former  School for the Deaf property reallocated to the Board of Governors to establish a millennial campus without a syllable pertaining to a 75- acre

Phillips'  Committee on Budget and Finance Oct. 10, 2003

parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm,  statutory foreclosing NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus allegedly depicted by Phillips 10.10.2003 before the Board of   Governors.
Members in attendance were:   Ms. Hannah D. Gage, Mr. Peter D. Hans, , and Mr. Jim W. Phillips, Jr., Priscilla P. Taylor Others attending the meeting were President  Molly Corbett Broad, Vice Presidents Gretchen Bataille, Jeffrey R. Davies, J.B. Milliken, Robyn R. Render, and Leslie Winner; Associate Vice Presidents Ginger B. Jones, Robert O. Nelson, James O. Smith, and Joni B. Worthington, Chancellor Patricia A. Sullivan (The University of North Carolina at  Greensboro); Dr. Jeff Passe, Chairman of the Faculty Assembly; Nobody was present from NC A&T.
Credited in the media as the work of UNCG district senator Kay Hagan (Greensboro), June 30, 2003 General Assembly, Session Law 2003-2984, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for the establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  According to media reports UNCG is landlocked.
Attorney Jim Phillips, Jr. Board of Governors' Committee on Budget and Finance July 28, 2003 recommended the Legislation. 

Session Law 2003-2984

Sept. 19, 2003 , The  Business Journal (Triad)  reported "UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan and NC A&T Chancellor James Renick will announce initial plans for the 75- acre North Carolina School for the Deaf  which is being called the Joint Millennial
 Campus and will hold a public meeting Tuesday (Sept. 23, 2003)". [ ] Instead according to news reports, web posting, etc NCA&T and UNCG Chancellors announced a two campus Joint Millennial Campus called the Greensboro Center for Innovative development consisting of the former School of the Deaf Property as a north campus and 75-acre parcel of NC A&T farmland as a South Campus [7].  The Greensboro News & Record reported " A&T has offered up a portion of its 600-acre farm for the research park." and "The Board of Governors could give  permission as soon as next month  [Oct.] on the proposal to turn over the center's operations to a board of  directors."[8].  As published in the media Chancellor Renick  desired a research campus at NC A&T farm  "neither money nor actual designs have been committed to Renick's vision of a research park on A&T's 600-acre farm on East Market Street.  "[Surprise! Greensboro should leverage universities, by Justin Catanoso,  November 9, 20019

NC A&T BOT Fourth Regular Meeting April 2003

"Chancellor Renick"  NC A&T BOT First Regular Meeting Sept. 24, 2003
(]  Chancellor's Renick and Sullivan didn't have the paper work to support announced North and South campuses, NCGS:116-198.34 (8b) designated, Joint Millennial Campus.
NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) says in part upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus. NC A&T and UNCG Boards of Trustees (BOT) Duties and Powers (Property and Buildings) require "any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees".

 Public Record received pursuant requests NC A&T and UNCG Board
 of Trustees Resolutions dated , Aug. 22, 2003 and Aug. 28, 2003 call for designation of Joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central North Carolina School of the Deaf property transferred to UNC Board of Governors for the purpose of establishing a Joint Millennial Campus without a syllable pertaining to a parcel of land on NC A&T farmland -Statutory foreclosing  joint Millennial campus depicted by Phillips (10.10.2003) before UNC Board of Governors inclusive of NC A&T farmland and
in terms of  “designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the Deaf)  reallocated to the

 NCA&T & UNCG  Aug. 22nd & 28th, 2003 Resolutions

NC A&T Board of Trustees' alleged August 22nd, 2003 Resolution requesting establishing a joint Millennial Campus in terms of the Central School  of the Deaf  unmistakable having been informed by Chancellor Renick  April 16, 2003 that members of the Board of Trustees  plan to meet informally with UNCG about the possibility of establishing a joint millennial campus on the farm property, NC A&T BOT August 22nd resolution explicably rejected farm property as part of a joint millennial campus.  -  "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.  See NC A&T August 22, 2003  Millennial Campus Resolution maybe  fraudulent

NC A&T Board of Trustees Meeting April 16, 2003

Phillips B&F Oct. 2003, committee allegedly  made  statutory required  expressed determination universities had the fiscal capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus.
Five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommended adding to the Supplemental Expansion Budget Requests 2004-05, $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property, and pay for telephone and high speed networking.

Oct 2004, a year after alleged JMC Oct. 2003 designation.  Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance recommended $14,000,000 of spending for Joint Millennial  Campus and A&T State University to $647,500 and  UNC Greensboro   to spend up to $400,000 to plan projects on the  Joint Millennial Campus, all dispositive to statutory expressed determination universities had fiscal capacity to establish and maintain joint Millennial Campus as determined by the Phillips Board
Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance allegedly Oct. 10.2003.

hillips committee proposed $14 million dollars of spending  on an alleged JMC  against a backdrop of a  $12.3 Million dollars  University of North Carolina wide 2004-05 Budget reductions.  

Phillips' Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommendation.

 SL 2004 -124   funded The University of North Carolina  Board of Governors 2005-07 Budget Request  for 4 Million dollars from the General fund for the alleged NCA&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus .
Budget and Finance, October 7, 2004, recommended the Board of Governors approve the 2004-05 Budget Reductions Report and that it be
transmitted  to the Office of State  Budget and Management and the Fiscal Research Division by December 31, 2004. Stating, This will affect students in years to come, as fewer course sections are offered, and campuses are forced to hire more part- time and adjunct faculty to teach the sections that remain. Students will  find it increasingly difficult to find courses that they need to graduate and to fit all required courses into their schedules. Ironically, unavoidable reductions in advising and faculty contact hours means that many students will have less assistance in monitoring their degree progress  at a time when it becomes much more difficult and   critical to do so.

Phillips' Committee on Budget and Finance 10.04 Recommendations

 Joint Millennial Campus  funding wasn't included in Committee On Budget and Finance Executive Summary which went to the Board of Governors, 11.2004, for approval.

UNCG BOT Meeting Minutes August 28, 2003

NC A&T and UNCG resolutions dated August 22nd, and August 28th, 2003
"As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University. 
UNC General Administration transmittal dated Oct. 14th, 2003 (from Jeffrey Davis, VP Finance General Administration dated Oct. 14, 2003 to former UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan, copied to Phillip Richman and allegedly forwarded to NC A&T Chancellor Renick and Ed Upchurch on 10, 22, 2003) alleged JMC designated Oct.10, 2003  depicted  consisting of the former school of the Deaf Property reallocated to UNC Board of Governors and a 75-acrea parcel of NC A&T farmland  in contradiction with documentation received pursuant Public Record Requests from the campuses resolutions  establishing  JMC in terms of the former school of the Deaf property only.   NC A&T would respond they could not located  UNC Board of  Governor designation of Joint Millennial Campus.  When Transmittal was presented to UNC BOG/GA for confirmation it was not confirmed.

Lease  Smoking Gun NCGS:116-198.34 (8) JMC wasn't designated

Feb. 2, 2006, Action Item: Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T   Background information stated:
  •  Action Item Timeline from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005 didn't indicated a Joint Millennial Campus was designated Oct. 10. 2003
  • "It was determined by counsel for the universities and GCID to pursue a master lease for the properties identified as the JMC",
  • Identified JMC depicted as former School of the Deaf property and 75 acre adjacent to NC A&T Farmland
  • Identified JMC was approximate UNC BOG alleged Oct. 10.  2003 designated JMC
NCA&T and UNCG University Chancellors Renick and Sullivan August 3, 2003 signed off on   Articles of Incorporation for Nonprofit The Greensboro Center for Innovative Development as natural persons that  were filed with the Secretary of State Oct. 30, 2003 establishing the Corporation.   Documents received from State office of Budget and Finance indicated  the GCID wasn't a state entity which should raise the question of ownership of university administrative officials established nonprofits.

UNCG Board of Trustees Business Affairs Committee Feb. 2, 2006

Jan. 2006,  Erskine Bowles became President of UNC System. " The Greensboro Boy" Erskine Bowles maybe the pitch man who the voters reject losing out in back-to-back North Carolina US Senate races in 2000 and 2004 with the recognizable name in Democrat tic circles which the political class place in public policy positions notwithstanding votes wishes. Bowles joined Greensboro Jim Phillips, Jr. at UNC who served as Bowles Campaign finances manager in the 2000 Senate race and was a member of the UNC president search committee which four of the thirteen members had Greensboro, NC roots - as reported
in the media. UNCG Trustees Business Affairs Committee minutes state all the details of the lease were reviewed by Leslie Winner, Financial Department in General Administration, and beyond the campuses ; UNCG Trustees Business Affairs Committee minutes allege  Philip Richman, vice chancellor for UNCG business affairs, advised the Board that the School of the Deaf property became available in 2002. NC A&T and UNCG asked that the property be transferred to the campuses with without a word pertaining to NC A&T Farmland.  John Merrill Executive Director of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development spoke and signed off on  background document recommend approval of the lease. Philip Richman, an alleged  recipitant of  UNC General Administration transmittal dated Oct. 14th, 2003 (from Jeffrey Davis, VP Finance General Administration dated Oct. 14, 2003 to former UNCG   Chancellor Patricia Sullivan notice of  alleged designation of Millennial campus comments made no reference to  alleged designation.  And Tom Ross then UNCG BOT Chair and now UNC President recommended lease approval to full board.  

NC A&T and UNCG Universities didn't have Property Rights to Lease Identified JMC to GCID

UNCG (Feb. 2nd 2006) Action Item : Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Background Timeline from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005  indicated NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus wasn't  designated at all.

 Action Item Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T (Feb 2006) Identified JMC (by counsel for the universities, GCID and Office of the President)  - existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm. 

Session Law 2003-2984, reallocated former Central School of the Deaf to UNC BOG to be used for the  establishment of Millennium campuses of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.  NC A&T and UNCG Boards of Trustees (BOT) Duties and Powers (Property and Buildings) require "any proposal involving the acquisition or disposition by the institution of any interest in real property shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees".  
 Lacking JMC designation former school of the Deaf property by statue remained reallocated to UNC BOG to designated Millennial Campuses for the universities nor could UNC BOG do otherwise than designate a JMC with reallocated property.  Neither  did UNCG have  property rights to to lease NC A&T farmland .

Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T

Ground Lease Agreement between the State of North Carolina and Greensboro Center for Innovative Development (GCID),  Feb. 15, 2006  was presented for Approval  at NC A&T Board of Trustee Meeting.



Lease to GCID required NC A&T
to contribute  former school of the Deaf property allocated to  UNC Board of Governors to establish UNCG and NC A&T Millennial campuses in Session Law 2003-2984 and 75-acres of farmland - the Identified JMC.   ON motion by Greensboro Four  Board Member Dr. Franklin McCain's majority vote tabled Lease vote.
Bowles Administration filed P0-1 form dated March 16, 2006 with the State Department of Administration pursuant  GS. 146-28 requesting  UNC System Acquisition by Lease of Identified JMC to establish NCA&T & UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.
NC A&T BOT minutes indicate the Lease vote  conducted by fax Feb. 22 thru Feb.  29th which maybe legally insufficient as  vote was limited to executive committee with consultation with other members when existing NC A&T BOT bylaws say: C. Power to Vote: All  members of the Board of Trustees may vote on all matters coming before the Board for consideration, but no member may vote by proxy. No vote concerning any
matter under consideration by  the Board of Trustees or by a committee of the Board may be cast, in absentia, or by mail.  NC A&T Board of Trustees minutes dated 04-19-2006 Chairwoman Speight-Buford reported that at the February Board meeting a resolution regarding the Greensboro Center for Innovative  Development (GCID) Ground Lease Agreement was presented for approval, etc. Chairwoman Speight-Buford shared that the Executive Committee approval the GCID Ground Lease Agreement  by unanimous decision.  Rewinding to NC A&T BOT meeting minutes dated 09/21/05, the beginning of the 2005 2006 academic year, Chairwoman Speight-Buford reporting for the Executive  Committee called for a motion   to ratify  the actions items approved the the Executive Committee which meet via teleconference to discuss, two personnel items, one property matter, etc. which  unambiguous suggest Executive Committee approval alone is insufficient to authorize a course of action.
Media representatives from the News & Record (vocal proponent of JSNN), WFMY , Time Warner Cable,   all had representatives on the Greensboro Partnership Board.

Lease of Joint Millennial Campus ( May 2006)

Bowles Administration fraudulent portrayed alleged university lease request of real estate Identified as Joint Millennial Campus in [ "Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T (Feb 2, 2006)"] as  NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) Oct. 2003  designated JMC in ["Lease of Joint Millennial Campus ( May 2006)"], as depicted Oct. 2003  by Bowles  former Senate Campaign finance manger Jim Phillips, Jr.  and existing improvement to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development.   Unequivocal:
  • UNCG BOT Feb 2, 2003 Action Item ["Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T'] pursuant "Master Lease for Identified Joint Millennial Campus - consisting of existing space at the former Central North Carolina School for the Deaf and 75 acres adjacent to the NCA&T farm;
  • Erskine Bowles Administration (May 2006)  [ Lease of Joint Millennial Campus] allegedly Oct. 2003 Designate JMC- former Central School for the Deaf property reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NC A&T State University Farm

constitute the same property.

Greensboro Center for Innovative Development  alleged " A Joint Millennium Campus of NCA&T and UNCG"  Development Timeline- received pursuant record request-  from  Feb. 2003 thru December 2003 unambiguous  indicated " Joint Millennial Campus was designated/established Oct. 2003 .
Feb. 2nd 2006, UNCG Board of Trustees Action Item : [Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T] was consider ;whose purposed was to pursue a master Lease for properties Identified as Joint Millennial Campus; Lease had been reviewed by  (Bowles) Office of the President.   Background timeline  from Feb 2003 to Sept. 2005 and beyond indicated Joint Millennial Campus wasn't designated .
UNC BOG May 2006 Minutes report before the item was consider, Mr. Merrill presented information in support of the agenda item. John Merrill Executive Director of GCID who had recommended and signed off on Leasing the Identified JMC to GCID  to UNCG Board of Trustees spoke in support of leasing an alleged Oct. 2003 designate JMC to GCID.   In attendance were Jim W. Phillips, Jr., from General Administration were President Erskine Bowles, Chief of Staff Jeffrey R. Davies; Leslie Winner, Associate Vice President and University Property Officer Terrance Feravich.
Bowles General Administration  March 13, 2006 unsigned Department of Administration PO-1 document for Acquisition of Real Property-received pursuant record request - whose  purpose  "To establish a Joint Millennial Campus for North Carolina A&T and UNCG" , unambiguous  demonstrate Bowles Administration knew  when it alleged May 2006 in UNC BOG document Lease of Joint Millennial Campus-NCA&T and UNCG  "In Oct. 2003, the Boards of Trustees of North Carolina A&T and The University of North Carolina requested, and the Board of Governors approved the designation of the land (formerly the Central School for the  Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus- that the NCA&T & UNCG Joint Millennial Campus wasn't  designated..
UNC BOG  document Lease of Joint  Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro which was approved by the Hanna Cage Committee on Budget and Finance; forward to full UNC BOG where it was approved on the consent agenda, processed by the State Property Office, Approved by the Council of State, and signed by the Governor,  culminating in the lease State property to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development , renamed Gateway Research Park, Inc., under false pretense, Racketeering,
Fraud, and in violation of Session Law 2003-2984.
Certified Public Record Requests  to UNC BOG/GA and Universities for documents pertaining to Designation of Millennial Campuses and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus
Certified Public Record Request to UNC Office of the President Dr. Thomas Ross,  UNCG Chancellor Brady, and NCA&T Chancellor Martin for alleged University requests to establish Joint Millennial Campuses and its Lease.

Pursuant Certified Public Request to UNC Office of the President Dr. Thomas Ross UNC BOG/GA did not produce items (1) thru (6) in as stated in Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Designation of Millennial Campuses

 Lease of Joint Millennial Campus

Reply to record request for Universities Board of Trustees request to establish a Join Millennial Campus consisting of the former school of the Deaf property and 75 acres of NC A&T Farmland: 
  • NCA&T: "As to your prior request for the resolution/motion about the 75 acres of land being a part of the Gateway Research Park, There is no 2003 resolution, etc. that specifically says 75 acres are involved."   determined J. Charles Waldrup J.D., Ph.D. General Counsel Office  Of Legal Affairs North Carolina  Agricultural & Technical State University.
  • UNCG Resent Board of  Trustee Resolution call for establishing a Joint Millennial Campus in term of the School of the Deaf (only).
Reply to public record request for Universities Board of Trustees request for permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development replies: 
  • NCA&T: "As to the request to General Administration to approve the ground lease, Ms. Fails cannot find any transmittal letter, memo, etc."  " We wonder if possibly UNCG sent the request on behalf of both universities. General Administration should have whatever was sent to request BOG action."   General Counsel Office Of Legal Affairs North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
  • UNCG : " After a diligent search, I can report that we are not in possession of copies of any documents whereby the UNCG Board of Trustees made a request for permission to execute a ground lease, as requested in paragraph 4 of your letter (copy attached)."(4) UNCG Board of Trustees request for  permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development to UNC Board of Governors. UNCG Attorney.
Unambiguous NC A&T and UNCG Board of Trustees hadn't  Requested:
  • that the land formerly  designated for the Central School for the Deaf  allocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75- acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the North Carolina A&T State University Farm be designated as a joint millennial campus - Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) ;
  • permission to execute a ground lease of the land and existing improvements for the Joint Millennial Campus to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development. As stated in UNC BOG document Appendix C  Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (May 2006)  - (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus)
As fraudulent stated by the Erskine Bowles Administration, Jim Phillips, Jr.  Committee on Budget and Finance  in UNC BOG documents  Designation of Millennial Campuses – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (APPENDIX G) (Oct. 10. 2003)  and (APPENDIX C ) Lease of Joint Millennial Campus) (May 2006)  which the 32 member unelected UNC  Board of Governors  approved,  diverting state
appropriations and facilities, federal research, and degree programs via the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to UNC at Greensboro and fraudulent alleged Joint Millennial Campus private education corporation Gateway Research Park, Inc whereby NC A&T's research and academic offerings are transferred and accessed by HWI UNC Greensboro and  to be commercialized by Gateway Research Park, Inc.

LEASE  Department of Administration

NCGS § 146-28. Agency must file application with Department; Department must investigate.
Any State agency desiring to sell, lease, or rent any land owned by the State or by any State agency shall file with the Department of Administration an application setting forth the facts relating to the proposed transaction, and shall furnish the Department with such additional information as the Department may request relating thereto. Upon receipt of such application, the Department of Administration shall promptly investigate all aspects of the proposed transaction, including particularly present and future State need for the land proposed to be conveyed, leased, or rented. (1957, c. 584, s. 6; G.S., s. 146-109; 1959, c. 683, s. 1.)
Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., University Property Officer  May 15, 2006 letter to  Department of  Administration didn't  included a Form PO-2 pertain to DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY.   Letter enclosure Lease of Joint Millennial Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro ( May 2006) stated:  In October 2003, the Boards of Trustees of North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro requested, and the Board of Governors approved, the designation of the land formerly the Central School for the Deaf) reallocated to the Board of Governors by the 2003 Session of the General Assembly and a 75-acre parcel of land currently comprising a portion of the NCA&T State University Farm as a Joint Millennial Campus.
Prior to Nov. 2007 Council of State approval of  alleged JMC Lease to GCID  Page2 of a letter dated Aug. 16, 2006  from Joseph H. Henderson, Director NC Department of  Administration  to State Budget Officer David McCoy soliciting input pertaining to Lease stated UNC-General Administration is pressing to move forward with the 50-year lease (the agreement with GCID has already been executed)."
Sept. 28, 2006 Director Joe Henderson to Don Teeter whose subject  Joint Millennial Campus seeking input stated UNC General Administration has requested that the State Property Office  approve and accept its concept for developing the JMC which involves a lease of the existing land and facilities to a nonprofit created by the campuses (UNCG and NCA&TSU) and subsequent subleases to tenants that will occupy the JMC.
Pursuant Record request  to State Property Office, Mr. Terrance C. Feravich, P.E., University Property Officer  May 15, 2006 letter to  Department of  Administration didn't  included a Form PO-2 pertain to DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY ; A written Investigative report by Department of Administration pertaining to  proposed transaction, including particularly present and future State need for the land proposed to be conveyed, leased, or rented. (was NOT submitted to Council of State when considering Lease of Joint Millennial
Campus – North Carolina A&T State University and The University of North  Carolina at Greensboro? The Council of State consists of the Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Insurance, Commissioner of Labor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Treasurer, and State Auditor.

THANKS so much for your support of GURP and for your tremendous presentation on our behalf at last week's meeting of the Council of State"!  Have a GREAT day and Joe, I hope your surgery is smooth and your recovery is quick" e-mail John  Merrill Executive Director Gateway University Research Park " A Joint Millennial Campus of NCA&T and UNCG.  Thu, 16 Nov. 2006 to Joseph Henderson and John Webb whose subject Eastern Guilford High School and Joint Millennial Campus Ground Lease. Property Office advised James Griffin at NC A&T and Helen Ward at UNCG, and copied Don Teeter and John Merrill that the Council of State approved the attached item, Disposition by Lease.
Mr. John R. Merrill, Executive Director of Gateway Research Park-renamed Greensboro Center for Innovative Development- in a  letter dated March 22, 2007 claimed" The original basis for the creation of a joint NCA&T and UNCG Millennial Campus, now called the Gateway University Research Park to Mr. Jim Lora, Office of State Budget Management requesting funds authorized by SL 2004-124 for an appropriation from the General Fund for  capital improvements: $4,000,000 for the UNC-Greensboro and NC A&T Millennial Campus" be   granted" from the University of North Carolina to Gateway for renovations to the former campus of the Central NC School for use as 
classrooms and offices,  as part of a  continuous conspiracy to  access appropriations designated for non existing NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus by Gateway Research Park. 
Bowles contacted David McCoy State Budget Officers Office of Management and Budget pursuant  funding to Gateway Research
Gateway  with Lease, Management Services and Development Agreement , and MOU Controls  Research, Equipment, and Properties
Allegedly NCA&T and UNCG July 1, 2005 entered into a, Management Services and Development Agreement between Greensboro Center for Innovative Development, INC. and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, signed off on by Chancellors Sullivan and Renick and universities BOT Chairs.
Management Services and Development Agreement (MSDA) says, the General Assembly of North Carolina and the Board  of Governors of the University of North Carolina designated certain state property to be developed as a Joint Millennial Campus by the Universities under the terms of the Millennial Campus Financing Act, Article 21 B, Chapter 116 of the North Carolina General Statues;
  • GCID is a separately incorporated nonprofit organization ...(ii) to foster economic development and entrepreneurial activities in the region, by engaging in such activities as purchasing, developing or managing real estate for expansion, research facilities or other capital improvements desired by the Universities at the JMC;
  • Pursuant to this Agreement, GCID shall operate and maintain on behalf of the Universities those University facilities located on the JMC and other University facilities as the Universities may designate from time to time (each, a "Managed Facility") ;
  • GCID is a separately incorporated nonprofit organization ...(ii) to foster economic development and entrepreneurial activities in the region, by engaging in such activities as purchasing, developing or managing real estate for expansion, research facilities or other capital improvements desired by the Universities at the JMC;
  • Each of the Universities receives State funds through the Continuation Budget which are to be used to operated and University facilities. ;

NCA&T Administrative Council Meeting Oct. 6, 2009

UNCG (Feb 2006) Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T

Alleged NCA&T Administrative Council Meeting Oct. 6, 2009

  • In furtherance of GCID's obligations under this Agreement to manage the JMC on behalf of the Universities, each University shall use its best efforts to transfer to GCID any funds received by it for the benefit of the JMC or GCID;
  • Each University shall provide operating funding to GCID of $150,000 per year for each of the five (5) fiscal years ending June 30, 2010;
  • In furtherance of GCID's obligations under this Agreement to manage the JMC on behalf of the Universities, each University shall use its best efforts to transfer to GCID any funds received by it for the benefit of the JMC or GCID;
  • Each University shall provide operating funding to GCID of $150,000 per year for each of the five (5) fiscal years ending June 30, 2010;

 Memorandum of Understanding  (MOU)

UNCG Chancellor Patricia Sullivan and Bowles appointee  interim NC A&T Chancellor Lloyd V. Hackley signed off Feb. 2007 on Memorandum of Understanding North Carolina A&T State University, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Gateway University Research Park, INC. Neither NCA&T nor UNCG supplied University Board of Trustee recommendation or resolution was pursuant record requests for BOT authorization of MOU.  Some the key provision :
  • 1.2.1 Providing coordination and support of community, industry and the joint efforts of the Universities for increased research and development activity in the area:
  • 1.2.2 Managing the intellectual property that may result from research conducted at the Universities;
  • 1.2.3 Acquiring, managing and operation the research equipment, facilities and land needed to conduct research;
  • 1.2.5 Contracting with individual, corporations, public agencies, and other organizations, both public and private, to conduct research, including the management of said research;
  • 1.2.6 Receiving and distributing funds for the support and development of research at the Universities
  • 3.1 Universities agree to encourage and maintain the independence of Gateway,
  • 3.4 The Board of directors of Gateway shall be responsible for control and management of Gateway assets.
Memorandum of understanding North Carolina A&T State University, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Gateway University Research Park

Lease of Joint Millennial Campus

Document dated Nov. 7, 2006 State Property Office notified John Merrill Executive Director of Gateway Research Park renamed Gateway Research Park The Council of State  approved the Lease.  John Merrill was employed by UNC at Greensboro.   NCA&T & UNCG lost property rights to fraudulent alleged NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus and existing improvement when lease was approve.
In Lease Improvements (1.1.4) were  defined as, the improvements now or hereafter located on the Land, whether placed thereon by Lessor or Lessee (the "Improvements).  And The Lessee shall own the Improvements during the term of the Lease and shall be entitled to deduct all depreciation for the Improvements, and any additions, changes or alterations, 2.2.1.
Lease stated lessee or its sub lessees may individually negotiate contracts for the design, renovation and/or construction of Improvements to the Premises and need not conform to public bid requirements in contracting for the design, renovation and/or construction of Improvements to the Premises,  (3.2.)
There were Millions dollars on the table for  a NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus when  Bowles Lease for alleged Joint Millennial Campus was finalized   which Gateway Requested as a Joint Millennial Campus
Phillips B&F Oct. 2003, committee allegedly  made  statutory required  expressed determination universities had the fiscal capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus.
Five month after the alleged Oct. 2003 designation Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommended adding to the Supplemental Expansion Budget Requests 2004-05, $4 million dollars to renovated the School of the Deaf property, and pay for telephone and high speed networking.

Oct 2004, a year after alleged JMC Oct. 2003 designation.  Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance recommended $14,000,000 of spending for Joint Millennial  Campus and A&T State University to $647,500 and  UNC Greensboro   to spend up to $400,000 to plan projects on the  Joint Millennial Campus, all dispositive to statutory expressed determination universities had fiscal capacity to establish and maintain joint Millennial Campus as determined by the Phillips Board
Phillips' Board of Governors Committee On Budget and Finance allegedly Oct. 10.2003.

hillips committee proposed $14 million dollars of spending  on an alleged JMC  against a backdrop of a  $12.3 Million dollars  University of North Carolina wide 2004-05 Budget reductions.  

Phillips' Committee On Budget and Finance, March 2004, recommendation.

 SL 2004 -124   funded The University of North Carolina  Board of Governors 2005-07 Budget Request  for 4 Million dollars from the General fund for the alleged NCA&T/UNCG  Joint Millennial Campus .
SL 2004 -124  funded The University of North Carolina  Board of Governors 2005-07 Budget Request  for 4 Million dollars from the General fund for the alleged NCA&T/UNCG 
Hagan Adams Jeffus
Joint Millennial Campus  and HB 1264 's 10 million dollars for and NC A&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus.  "I said, 'I'm sorry, we're going to add some stuff or this is not going to go,"' Hagan said. "You're not going to have one of these pass when you leave out your appropriations co-chairs." reported  John Newsom, NEW FUNDING HELPS A&T, UNCG PLAN - THE UNIVERSITIES' JOINT RESEARCH CAMPUS WILL RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $10 MILLION - Greensboro News & Record (NC)-August 9, 2004.  Now NC US Senator Kay Hagan was one of three NC Senate Appropriations -co-chairs joined by Guilford legislative delegation House Appropriations Chairs Alma Adams and Margaret M. Jeffus in sponsoring funding and legislation for the alleged Joint Millennial Campus.
When the Erskine Bowles Administration May 2006 fraudulently  depicted alleged universities lease of property Identified as
Joint Millennial Campus in [ "Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T Information  see
NC A&T (Feb 2, 2006)"] as NC G. S.: 116-198.34. (8b) Oct. 2003 designated JMC in ["Lease of Joint Millennial Campus ( May 2006)"] and existing improvement to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development to UNC Committee on Budget and Finance, culminating in the fraudulent lease State property to the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development under false pretense, Fraud, and in violation of Session Law 2003-2984 .
 Lease was signed March  2007 for  real estate  depicted as  identified JMC in  [ "Lease Agreement between the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development and UNCG and NC A&T (Feb 2, 2006)" ] fraudulent alleged as and Oct. 2003 designated JMC in Bowles Administration document [Lease of Joint Millennial Campus (Mary 2006)].   Mr. John R. Merrill, Executive Director of Gateway Research Park-renamed Greensboro Center for Innovative Development- in a letter dated March 22, 2007 claimed" The original basis for the creation of a joint NCA&T and UNCG Millennial Campus, now called the Gateway University Research Park to Mr. Jim Lora, Office of State Budget Management requesting funds authorized by SL 2004-124 for an appropriation from the General Fund for capital improvements: $4,000,000 for the UNC-Greensboro and NC A&T Millennial Campus" be granted" from the University of North Carolina to Gateway for renovations to the former campus of the Central NC School for use as classrooms and offices,  as part of a  continuous conspiracy to  access appropriations designated for non existing NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus by
Gateway Research Park.  see Merrill letter to Lora dated April 11, 2005 " Funding for this phase (approximately $250,000) will be from joint overhead dollars currently residing in a trust fund at UNCG (Acct #3-17927).
Phillips B&F Oct. 2003, committee allegedly  made the  GS § 116-198.31. (8b) statutory required  expressed determination universities had the fiscal capacity to established and maintain the joint millennial Campus.
NCA&T and UNCG July 1, 2005  Management Services and Development Agreement (MSDA) says, the General Assembly of North Carolina and the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina designated certain state property to be developed as a Joint Millennial Campus by the Universities under the terms of the Millennial Campus Financing Act, Article 21 B, Chapter 116 of the North Carolina General Statues;
 GS § 116-198.31.  The purpose of this Article is to authorize the Board of  Governors of  The University of North Carolina to issue revenue bonds,  payable from any leases, rentals, charges, fees, and other revenues but   with no

Source State Office of  Management and Budget

pledge of taxes or the faith and credit of the  State or any agency or political subdivision thereof, to pay the cost, in whole or part, of buildings, structures, or other facilities for the  Centennial  Campus, 198.33(4b).  located at North Carolina State University at Raleigh, for the Horace Williams Campus located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and for any Millennial Campus , the legislature authorized numerous taxpayer funded  projects pertaining to  an alleged NCA&T Joint Millennial Campus.

State Construction Laws Were Amended  Based on  Fraudulent Allegation  Gateway Research Park was a Joint Millennial Campus

UNC Nonappropriated Capital Projects. Senate Bill 1925 (First Edition)

 SESSION LAW 2008-204 [SENATE BILL 1925]

"We will have all of the assets right here in Guilford County that we need to participate in that explosion, and they will be right here at the Gateway University Research Park."  Bowles Administration & UNC Board of Governors Big White Lie Joint Millennial Campus wasn't designated.  
UNC BOG Committee on Budget and Finance, March 2006, approved recommending 1.3 million dollars for planning a Biotechnology Building at NC A&T to the BOG. Proposed facility would enable NCA&T to support ongoing and expanding research activities in bioengineering, biotechnology and biomedicine. NC A&T' biotechnology program is interdisciplinary and will incorporate research activities currently housed in the College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, and School of Agriculture and Environment Sciences. The Total cost of this project is $25 Million dollars.

2006-07 BUDGET PRIORITIES University-wide Facilities [March 06]

Instead of approving adding the 1.3 Million dollars plan funds for a $ 25 Million dollar Biotechnology Building at NC A&T  the UNC Board of Governors approved, Nov. 2006, 12, 547, 250 for planning & Site development for a new NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Building located on the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development alleged (NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, costing $50, 189,000 to the 2007-09 UNC Budget priorities. NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Building would include the academic departments, laboratory facilities (teaching an research), and centers and institutes of the

UNC Board of Governors 2007-09 Capital Budget Priorities (Nov. 06)

new School as well as selected centers and institutes currently located at the partner universities.  The facility would serve as the epicenter for research and teaching in nanotechnology for the two partner universities, Greensboro, the Triad and beyond pursuant a policy discussion on the  2007-09 UNC Budget
 Research clusters created by NC A&T are the following:
priorities.  UNC BOG agenda is determine by the President (Bowles) with the approval of the Chair (Phillips).

Constructing the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facilities on the South Campus of the Greensboro Center for Innovative Development alleged (NCA&T/UNCG Joint Millennial Campus, pursuant Lease Nanoscience and Nanoengineering  facility is owned by Gateway for the duration of Lease and allows Gateway

  • Public Health
  • Biotechnology, Bio & Food Sciences
    Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology
    Computational Science & Engineering
    Leadership & Community Development
    Information Sciences & Technology
    Transportation & Logistics
    Energy & Environment]
to depreciate cost of facility ($56.3 million dollars); Gateway and its lessees use of universities Libraries, information network, an other university facilities.   Gateway receives "Manage Facility" funding pursuant MSDA for the Nanoscience and Nanoengineering facilities in the amount of the State funded  Continuation Budget for the facility; facilitates Gateway operating research equipment, seeking public and private research  opportunities.

SEE Corporate Raid  on NC A&T Federal Sponsored Research

[1] Ribbon Cutting Sets Gateway Project in Motion, The Aggie Report VOLUME EIGHT - NUMBER TWENTY - MAY 25, 2007
[2] A Master Plan for Technological Innovation in North Carolina's Piedmont Triad: High Research Activity © 1986-2011
[3] High Research Activity The Scientist
[5] PCG/UNC-NCCCS/UNC Interim report 3.doc/RB.SP.PC.CR.ATPCC.1/CC.14/10May05 Page 34
[6] Request to Establish NCA&T/UNCG Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering March 5, 2007
Request to Establish a Doctoral Program in Nanoscale Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte